Injector block

The injector block specifies a particle source to be introduced through a simulation boundary. Each injector block specifies a source of a single species of particle defined by a density, centre of mass drift momentum, temperature and number of simulation particles per cell. Injectors may also be set-up to inject particles with properties and at times read from files created by the user. The current version of the injectors is incompatible with the -DPER_SPECIES_WEIGHT compiler flag, and attempting to use an injector with a version of EPOCH compiled with this flag will fail.


EPOCH can inject particles through any of the simulation boundaries. This plasma is either a drifting Maxwellian corresponding to a collisionally thermalized beam or a “flux Maxwellian” corresponding to a Maxwellian source accelerated by an electrostatic accelerator. It can have any temporal or transverse spatial profile of density, temperature or drift that you wish to specify.

EPOCH does not automatically make any assumption about the plasma that you wish to inject and does not correct for currents injected into the domain. Current due to an injected beam will be smoothly created as the particles enter the domain. If you wish to inject a neutral beam, you will have to use multiple injectors to inject electrons and ions so as to produce a neutral beam. Great care must be taken when introducing relativistic beams since the current due to a highly relativistic beam will not be the current due to the centre of mass velocity since EPOCH does not use the Maxwell-Jüttner distribution for loading particles.

The user may over-ride this behaviour and inject particles with specific momenta, positions, weights and ID values, at specific simulation times. These particle parameters are read from files, and syntax for these is provided here.

Boundary conditions

The injectors only work properly with certain boundary conditions. For most purposes the “open” boundary condition is the only one that makes sense with injectors since particles are flowing freely through the boundary. Remember that in any version of EPOCH that supports injectors you can also use per species boundary conditions to allow you to have different boundary conditions for injected and bulk particles.

Moving window

Injectors and moving windows can be tricky to work with, so the default behaviour of EPOCH is to stop all injectors when the window starts to move. If you wish to override this behaviour then simply explicitly set t_end in the injector block to a value after the window starts to move. Setting

 t_end = t_end 

will cause the injectors to continue running until the end of the simulation even with the moving window. You must take great care when specifying injectors for a moving window because you will likely get gaps or bunches in particles injected through the x boundary and there will probably be some shearing of particles introduced through y and z boundaries. It is in general recommended that you specify a velocity profile for the moving window that stops at times when particles are to be injected and then starts again once the injection is complete.


  • boundary - specifies which boundary to attach the particle source too. Same specification as the laser block, so permitted values are x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min and z_max

  • species - specifies which species should be injected through the boundary. Just specify the name of the species required.

  • t_start - Time at which to start the injector

  • t_end - Time at which to end the injector

  • npart_per_cell - target pseudo-particle density for the injector.

    Average number of particles injected will be this value or slightly higher if very few particles are specified

  • number_density - Number density of the particle source in $m^{-3}$. Can be space varying along the boundary to which the injector is attached and time varying

  • number_density_min - Minimum number density in $m^{-3}$ below which pseudo particles are not loaded. Use if the density has a profile to avoid injecting low weight particles in low density regions

  • number_density_max - Maximum particle number density in $m^{-3}$. When the number density in a cell rises above number_density_max the injector clips the density to number_density_max allowing easy implementation of exponential rises to plateaus for time-varying injectors. Note that the number of particles per cell is kept fixed and the number density adjustment is achieved by modifying the particle weight. This flag has no effect for particles with per-species weighting. If the flag has a negative value then no clipping is performed. This is the default.

  • temp_x - Temperature in x direction (K)

  • temp_y - Temperature in y direction (K)

  • temp_z - Temperature in z direction (K)

  • temp - Sets an isotropic temperature distribution in Kelvin. If both temp and a specific temp_x, temp_y, temp_z parameter is specified then the last to appear in the deck has precedence. If neither are given then the injector will have a default temperature of zero Kelvin.

  • temp_{x,y,z}_ev, temp_ev - These are the same as the temperature parameters described above except the units are given in electronvolts rather than Kelvin, i.e. using 1ev = 11604.5K .

  • drift_x - Momentum drift in x direction in $kg.m/s$

  • drift_y - Momentum drift in y direction in $kg.m/s$

  • drift_z - Momentum drift in z direction in $kg.m/s$

  • drift_{x,y,z} - Specifies a momentum space offset in $kg m/s$ to the distribution function for this injector. By default, the drift is zero.

  • use_flux_maxwellian - Logical flag to determine whether to use an accelerated flux Maxwellian rather than a drifting Maxwellian. This calculates the flux due to passing a Maxwellian source into an electrostatic accelerator instead of a drifting Maxwellian. If your particle source is a lab accelerator then you may want to set this to true.

Example Deck

   boundary = x_min
   species = Electron
   number_density = dens
   temp_x = temp
   drift_x = drift_p
   npart_per_cell = 32

Inject particles from file

The plasma injectors may be over-written to allow the user to inject macro-particles with specific momenta, positions and weight, at given simulation times on given boundaries. Files containing injected particle properties must be formatted in a particular way. Each variable type (position, momentum, weight, time) must be stored in a separate file. Each line of a given file corresponds to a variable value for one particle, and particles must be arranged in chronological order.

For example, a user wants to inject 3 particles of weights 10, 20 and 30, at times 1.0e-15 s, 2.0e-15 s and 3.0e-15 s respectively, into a 1D simulation through the x_min boundary. The file containing injection time data (inject_t.txt) would contain:


and the weight data file (inject_w.txt) would contain:


The user could create similar files to describe the $p_x$, $p_y$ and $p_z$ momentum components of each injected particle, where the first value in each file would be assigned to the 1.0e-15 macro-particle. In higher dimensions, injection position on the boundary must also be specified. Particle ID may be given if -DPARTICLE_ID or -DPARTICLE_ID4 are specified.

The user may have multiple file-injectors running simultaneously, by defining multiple file-injector blocks. An example block is provided below for a 2D simulation. In this example, all files are present in the same directory as the input deck.


  boundary = x_min
  species = Electron
  inject_from_file = T 
  y_data = "inject_y.txt"
  px_data = "inject_px.txt"
  py_data = "inject_py.txt"
  w_data = "inject_w.txt"
  t_data = "inject_t.txt"

  • inject_from_file - If “T”, the code will ignore the flux-Maxwellian keys, and will instead inject particles based on the {…}_data keys.

  • {x, y, z}_data - Files containing the positions of injected particles. These are not used in 1D simulations, but must be used in 2D and 3D. In this example, no $x$ file is given, as all particles are injected through x_min.

  • {px, py, pz}_data - Files containing the momenta of injected particles. These are optional parameters - if a momentum component file is missing, this component will be set to zero for all injected particles.

  • w_data - The file containing the weights of all injected particles. This data is mandatory.

  • t_data - The file containing the times each particle passes the boundary. Injected particles will be positioned outside the simulation window, such that they pass the boundary at the time specified in this file. This data is mandatory.

  • id_data - The file containing the ID values assigned to each injected particle. This is optional, and may only be used if the code is compiled with either -DPARTICLE_ID or -DPARTICLE_ID4.


Currently injectors are a beta feature of EPOCH. We believe them to work correctly, but unusual results must be considered suspect. If you get unexpected results, please contact the EPOCH development team.
