Code structure

When obtained, the EPOCH codes all have a similar structure. If the tarred and gzipped archive (commonly referred to as a tarball) is downloaded and unpacked into the user’s $HOME directory, then the extracted contents will consist of a directory named “$HOME/epoch-4.12.0” (with “4.12.0” substituted by the current version number) and the subdirectories and files listed below.

Alternatively, if the code is checked out from the GitHub git repository with the command

git clone --recursive

then the directory will be “$HOME/epoch”.

Once the code has been obtained, the top-level directory will contain the following 4 directories and several files

  • epoch1d - Source code and other files required for the 1D version of EPOCH.
  • epoch2d - Source code and other files required for the 2D version of EPOCH.
  • epoch3d - Source code and other files required for the 3D version of EPOCH.
  • SDF - Source code for the SDF file format which is used to generate output for EPOCH runs. This directory also includes various tools and readers for working with SDF files.
  • CHANGELOG - A brief overview of the change history for each released version of EPOCH.
  • CODING_STYLE - This document contains the conventions which must be used for any code being submitted for inclusion in the EPOCH project.
  • LICENSE - A copy of the GPLv3 license which is used by the EPOCH project.
  • - A brief overview of obtaining and using the EPOCH code.
  • - This is a shell script which is used for creating the tarred and gzipped archives of EPOCH which are posted to the GitHub server each time a new release is made.
  • - A regression test script used when testing the code.

The three EPOCH subdirectories all have a similar structure. Inside each of the epoch{1,2,3}d directories, there are 3 sub-directories:

  • src - The EPOCH source code.
  • example_decks - A sample data directory containing example input deck files.
  • Data - This is an empty directory to use for running simulations.

there are also 3 files:

  • Makefile - A standard makefile.
  • - An IDL script which starts the IDL visualisation routines. Execute it using “idl Start”.
  • unpack_source_from_restart - Restart dumps can be written to contain a copy of the input decks and source code used to generate them. This script can be used to unpack that information from a given restart dump. It is run from the command line and must be passed the name of the restart dump file.