Running EPOCH and basic control of EPOCH

When the code is run, the output is

        d########P  d########b        .######b          d#######  d##P      d##P
       d########P  d###########    d###########     .##########  d##P      d##P
      ----        ----     ----  -----     ----   -----         ----      -- P
     d########P  d####,,,####P ####.      .#### d###P          d############P
    d########P  d#########P   ####       .###P ####.          d############P
   d##P        d##P           ####     d####   ####.         d##P      d##P
  d########P  d##P            ###########P     ##########P  d##P      d##P
 d########P  d##P              d######P          #######P  d##P      d##P

The code was compiled with no compile time options

Welcome to EPOCH2D version 4.12.0   (commit v4.12.0-0-gfd74a464-clean)

Code is running on 1 processing elements

Specify output directory

At which point the end user should simply type in the name of the directory where the code output is to be placed. This directory must also include the file which controls the code setup, specifies how to set the initial conditions and controls the I/O. Writing an input deck for EPOCH is fairly time consuming and so the code is supplied with some example input decks which include all the necessary sections for the code to run. Alternately, the code checks for the Data directory in a file named “USE_DATA_DIRECTORY” before prompting at the command-line. This allows the code to be run without waiting for input at the command-line.
