
How to use these pages

If you are new to EPOCH, start with the FAQ and the introductory information. Then read the basic examples. There’s quite a lot to learn in order to get started, so you should plan to read through all of this section. You will also need to refer to the input deck pages. Next, look at the code and have a play with some test problems. After that re-read the FAQ. This should be enough for testing simple problems. See below for more information on visualising the output files.

For specific information, see the index below or use the search function. Alternately, start with the FAQ and read through the pages in order by following the “Next section” links.

Basic usage

The input deck

Code details

Visualising EPOCH output

Examples with EPOCH

Example decks and output are available here:

A link to submit your own examples will be provided soon

The EPOCH workshop

The examples from the EPOCH workshop are in two parts: (part 1) (part 2)

Helpful information

Acknowledging EPOCH The EPOCH Developer Manual is quite out of date at this point, so it contains some information which is no longer correct. However, the fundamental algorithms have not changed so it still contains plenty of useful and relevant information.