General layout of the EPOCH code

The names of the source files in EPOCH are fairly self explanatory but, for clarity, they are explained here. Some files have the normal Fortran file extension .f90, while some have the slightly unusual .F90. The difference is that files with the .F90 extension are passed through the preprocessor before they are compiled allowing the use of precompiler directives (the #ifdef commands).


All source files are contained in the src directory and its subdirectories. There is a stylistic reason for the layout of the files, which is explained here

  • src - Files in this directory are the core files for the basic EPOCH code, such as the field solvers, the particle pusher, the boundary conditions and the lasers.
  • src/deck - Files in this directory are responsible for dealing with the permanent input deck parser and include the core parts of the deck handler, and also the routines which deal with the blocks in the input deck files.
  • src/housekeeping - Files in this directory deal with those parts of the code operation which are not physics; including the load balancer, the MPI setup routines and the moving window.
  • src/include - This directory contains the shape function code fragments which are inserted into the particle push at compile time.
  • src/io - The files involved in all I/O activities, including the distribution functions and the particle probes.
  • src/parser - The files for the maths expression parser are in this directory, including both the core implementation of the shunting yard algorithm and the routines for implementing the permanent functions, constants and operators for the input deck.
  • src/physics_packages - Contains routines which implement additional physics for the code.
  • src/user_interaction - Contains any Fortran routines which a user has to modify to use the code with internal initial conditions, or to temporarily extend the maths parser or the input deck.

The files in src

  • boundary.F90 - Includes all boundary conditions except laser and transmissive boundaries; including field and particle MPI boundaries, and field and particle domain boundaries.
  • constants.F90 - A collection of physical constants, and also integer flags for I/O, boundaries, and other variables.
  • epoch1d.F90, epoch2d.F90, epoch3d.F90 - Main driver for the code. Reading this routine gives the basic layout of the code flow.
  • fields.f90 - The Maxwell field solver.
  • laser.f90 - Includes laser and transmissive boundary conditions for each boundary and also the housekeeping routines for the laser objects.
  • particles.F90 - The particle pusher.
  • shared_data.F90 - This file includes all the global variable and type definitions. Usually new variables should be defined in this file.
  • gen_commit_string - This is a script used to generate an ID string when compiling the code.
  • gen_src_module - This is a script which is used at build time to generate a Fortran module containing the source code. This is used for embedding the EPOCH source code into restart dumps.

The files in src/deck

  • deck.F90 - The main input deck routines. Deals with opening files, reading data and MPI distribution of the data to all processes. Also includes the routines which deal with calling the right reader routines to deal with a given block.
  • deck_boundaries_block.f90 - Reader routine for the “boundaries” block of the input deck.
  • deck_bremsstrahlung_block.f90 - Reader routine for the “bremsstrahlung” block of the input deck.
  • deck_collision_block.f90 - Reader routine for “collision” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_constant_block.f90 - Reader routine for “constant” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_control_block.f90 - Reader routine for “control” block in the input deck.
  • deck_dist_fn_block.f90 - Reader routine for “dist_fn” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_fields_block.f90 - Reader routine for “fields” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_io_block.F90 - Reader routine for the “io” block in the input deck.
  • deck_io_global_block.F90 - Reader routine for the “io_global” block in the input deck.
  • deck_laser_block.f90 - Reader routine for “laser” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_part_from_file_block.F90 - Reader routine for the “part_from_file” block in the input deck.
  • deck_particle_probe_block.F90 - Reader routine for “particle_probe” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_species_block.F90 - Reader routine for “species” blocks in the input deck. This contains scripts which create the species_list array which holds the particle lists for each species.
  • deck_stencil_block.F90 - Reader routine for “stencil” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_subset_block.F90 - Reader routine for “subset” blocks in the input deck.
  • deck_window_block.f90 - Reader routine for the “window” block in the input deck.
  • strings.f90 - Basic string handling routines such as “str_cmp” and routines for converting strings to numbers WITHOUT using the maths parser are covered in this routine.
  • strings_advanced.f90 - The routines which pass maths along to the maths parser routines are here.

The files in src/housekeeping

  • balance.F90 - Contains the routines for the load balancer and related routines.
  • current_smooth.F90 - Contains the current smoothing routines.
  • epoch_source_info_dummy.f90 - A dummy module used when the code is being built without the ability to write the source code into restart dumps.
  • finish.F90 - Deallocates fields, species, subsets and physics packages at the end of the simulation.
  • mpi_routines.F90 - Contains the routines dealing with the setup of the MPI layer and the creation of the communicator. Also allocates all arrays for the first time before load balancing.
  • mpi_subtype_control.f90 - Contains the routines that setup the mpi types required by the I/O subsystem.
  • particle_id_hash.F90 - Stores scripts responsible for identifying particles in persistent subsets.
  • particle_pointer_advance.f90 - Contains subroutines which walk through the lists of particles and species for I/O purposes.
  • partlist.F90 - Contains the routines which deal with the particle lists which are used for inter-processor communication of particles.
  • prefetch.F90 - Hold scripts for pre-fetching particles. This requires Intel compilation of the code, and can improve performance.
  • random_generator.f90 - Contains the random number generator routines.
  • redblack_module.f90 - Contains MPI routines used for the load-balancer.
  • setup.F90 - Deals with the setup of the grids and domains and restarting from previous output dumps.
  • shape_functions.F90 - Contains the particle shape functions used for calculating the particle weighting.
  • split_particle.F90 - Is the implementation of a demonstration of particle splitting routines.
  • terminal_controls.F90 - Makes the logo colourful on startup.
  • timer.f90 - Tracks the run-time of the code.
  • utilities.f90 - Contains growable arrays used by the species block parser.
  • version_data.F90 - Contains version information for the current EPOCH code.
  • welcome.F90 - The routine which prints the banner message and compiler options info.
  • window.F90 - The routines which deal with the moving window.

The files in src/io

  • calc_df.F90 - Despite the slightly confusing name, this subroutine deals with derived functions like number density, charge density and mass density.
  • diagnostics.F90 - Contains the routines which actually dump the data, decide what to dump and also the routine to calculate the timestep.
  • dist_fn.F90 - Contains the routines to calculate the distribution functions, and also the routines handling the requests for distribution functions.
  • iterators.F90 - Contains the iterator functions used to write particle data into SDF files.
  • probes.F90 - Contains the routines which write the data from the particle probes. Also includes the routines which deal with user requests to add new particle probes.
  • simple_io.f90 - Contains routines for performing the simple binary I/O required by species_external and fields_external blocks.

The files in src/parser

  • evaluate.f90 - Contains the routines which actually evaluate a tokenized expression. The core of this is a simple implementation of an RPN calculator.
  • evaluator_blocks.f90 - Contains the routines which evaluate a given token into a numerical values. Actually implements the functions, constants and operators in EPOCH’s maths parser.
  • shunt.F90 - EPOCH’s implementation of the “shunting yard” algorithm used to simultaneously tokenize the input and convert it from infix notation to RPN.
  • stack.f90 - Deals with routines for pushing onto and popping off stacks.
  • tokenizer_blocks.f90 - Deal with converting strings found in a string being tokenized into tokens. Essentially a large collection of “str_cmp” commands testing a string against a known name.

The files in src/physics_packages

  • TABLES - Subdirectory containing tables for QED emissions, bremsstrahlung radiation, and both collisional and field ionisation.
  • background_collisions.F90 - Package handling particle collisions for special cases. Faster than the collisions.F90 model, but assumes a heavy species remains immobile during the collision. Appropriate for hot electron scatter through cold ions.
  • bethe_heitler.F90 - Package sampling pair-production via the Bethe-Heitler process. This is run during the bremsstrahlung update.
  • bremsstrahlung.F90 - Runs bremsstrahlung radiation of electrons and positrons, discussed in Appendix B of Morris et al.
  • collision_ionise.F90 - Package sampling collisional ionisation triggered by incident electrons. See here for details.
  • collisions.F90 - Package handling particle collisions. Estimates the number of binary Coulomb collisions over a simulation time-step, and samples a cumulative scatter angle. See here for details.
  • file_injectors.F90 - Injects particles from user-written text files (ASCII).
  • injectors.F90 - Package dealing with particle injection through a boundary. Currently this handles drifting and non-drifting Maxwellian and flux-Maxwellian distributions.
  • ionise.F90 - Physics package dealing with field ionisation. Field ionisation consists of three distinct regimes; multiphoton in which ionisation is best described as absorption of multiple photons, tunnelling in which deformation of the atomic Coulomb potential is the dominant factor, and barrier suppression ionisation in which the electric field is strong enough for an electron to escape classically. It is possible to turn off multiphoton or barrier suppression ionisation through the input deck.
  • numerics.f90 - Some additional numerics routines, primarily for the photons (QED) package.
  • photons.F90 - Package for some QED effects. Models Breit-Wheeler pair production, synchrotron emission and radiation reaction as described in Duclous et al and Ridgers et al

The files in src/user_interaction

  • custom_deck.f90 - This file is where and end user can temporarily extend the input deck.
  • custom_laser.f90 - The file where an end user specifies laser time profiles without using the input deck.
  • custom_parser.f90 - The file where an end user can temporarily add new functions and constants to the input deck.
  • deltaf_loader.F90 - Sets up parameters for the delta-f model.
  • helper.F90 - This file contains all the internal workings of the autoloader. This is in user_interaction for historical reasons, since early versions of the code required the end user to modify some parts of the functions contained in this file. As the autoloader has increased in complexity, this has ceased to be the case, so it is likely that soon this file will be move to “housekeeping”.
  • ic_module.f90 - This file is where the internal and manual initial conditions are set.
  • particle_temperature.F90 - Contains the routines for thermally loading a particle species.