EPOCH Makefile

The makefile supplied with EPOCH is a standard GNU make makefile, which must be user modified to allow a developer to add new files to the code. EPOCH’s makefile is quite large, so an explanation of how to add new files and new directories is given below.

Adding a new file to be compiled with EPOCH

There are three things that must be done to cause EPOCH to compile a new file and link it into the final code. Assume that you’re adding a file called “newfile.F90”. First, find the line which sets the environment variable SRCFILES and add a new parameter which reads “newfile.F90”. This tells the makefile to compile the final code using your new file, the next thing to do is to add a line which tells the code about the dependencies for your file. Lower down in the makefile, you’ll find a section with lines which look like:

balance.o: balance.F90 boundary.o mpi_subtype_control.o partlist.o

Add a new line for describing all the FILES (NOT modules) which are used by your new file. If you USE shared_data, mpi_subtype_control and stack in your file then the line would look like:

newfile.o: newfile.F90 shared_data.o mpi_subtype_control.o stack.o

Note the structure of the line with ONLY the source file for the new file specified, all other used files specify the intermediate .o files. The remaining element of the makefile which needs to be modified is to add your new file as a dependency to all the files which USE modules contained in your new file. This is achieved very simply by adding “newfile.o” to the dependency list for those files which USE your modules. For example if you’ve written new boundary conditions and USE your modules in boundary.f90, you’d just change the line for boundary.f90 from:

boundary.o: boundary.f90 deck_io_block.o particle_temperature.o partlist.o


boundary.o: boundary.f90 deck_io_block.o particle_temperature.o partlist.o \

Note that the backslash characters are line continuation marks in makefiles.

Adding new directories to EPOCH’s makefile

If you want to add an entire new directory to the EPOCH compile path then you need to add it to the definition of the variable VPATH. Remember to use the variable $(SRCDIR) rather than hard-coding src into the path.
