New Particle Variable

Sometimes you may wish to output a new variable associated with a particle. Such extensions may be specific to a particular task, and may be too niche to be added to the core EPOCH code. Alternatively, users may wish to quickly add new particle variables, without submitting a request to the developers and waiting for a new release. This section will detail how to define a new particle variable, and how to dump it to SDF files.

There are multiple parts of the code which need to be modified to create and print a new particle variable, these are:

  • Makefile: New pre-compiler option to deactivate new variable when not needed (for speed)
  • shared_data.F90: Give the particle datatype a new variable
  • housekeeping/welcome.F90: Alert the user when the code is compiled with your new option
  • housekeeping/partlist.F90: As particles move between MPI ranks, move your new variable with them
  • constants.F90: Create tags for the new output and compiler flag
  • deck/deck_io_block.F90: Lets the output block see the new output variable
  • io/diagnostics.F90: Writes the new variable to the SDF file
  • io/iterators.F90: Gives diagnostics.F90 variables to write to file
  • Extra: The user should set the value of the new variable to something

On this page, we provide an example of how to add and output a new particle variable, which has actually been requested by an EPOCH user. When electrons emit photons in the QED package, the photon macro-particle contains no information about the electron which generated it. In this example, let us output the Lorentz $\gamma$ factor of the radiating electron for each emitted photon, at the time of photon emission. We will use EPOCH2D, although this methodology would work for any dimension of the code. In these examples, we will include some of the neighbouring lines of code, so you can get a sense of where to insert the new code for your variable.


We want a new pre-compiler flag for the new addition. As macro-particles move around the simulation, they are passed between MPI ranks. The more particle variables to transfer, the slower the code runs. Hence, if we don’t need to use the new particle variables, the code should be compiled without them. This is achieved with new pre-compiler variables.

In the Makefile, there is a section with multiple commented-out pre-compiler flags. Let us add a new one called “extended_io”. To do this, insert a line such that the Makefile reads like:

# Use second order particle weighting (default is third order).

# Use fifth order particle weighting (default is third order).

# Include a unique global particle ID. The first flag defines the ID using
# an 8-byte integer, the second uses 4-bytes.

# Include QED routines

# Extended I/O for QED routines

# Use the Trident process for pair production

# Include bremsstrahlung routines

Note that we have un-commented the new extended_io flag, and the photons flag, as we will have to run the code with both for the new output in this example.


Let us make new global integer flags for both the pre-compiler flag, and the new output.

For the EXTENDED_IO pre-compiler flag, find the c_def... list and append a new c_def_extended_io variable to the end:

  INTEGER(i8), PARAMETER :: c_def_use_mpi3 = 2**25
  INTEGER(i8), PARAMETER :: c_def_bremsstrahlung = 2**26
  INTEGER(i8), PARAMETER :: c_def_probe_time = 2**27
  INTEGER(i8), PARAMETER :: c_def_extended_io = 2**28  ! New line

Next, let us make a new output flag: c_dump_qed_el_gamma. Find the list of c_dump... parameters, and add our new one to the end. Remember to update the num_vars_to_dump variable with the new number of dump flags.

  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: c_dump_probe_time        = 72
  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: c_dump_cou_log           = 73
  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: c_dump_qed_el_gamma      = 74 ! New line
  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: num_vars_to_dump         = 74 ! Modified line

Note, you may wish to introduce multiple outputs with one pre-compiler flag. For example, the WORK_DONE_INTEGRATED pre-compiler flag introduces six new outputs.


Here we declare a new variable for the particle data-type. Be sure to wrap this inside your new pre-compiler flag using #ifdef commands (note these cannot be indented - the first character of these lines must be #). In our example, we have called the new variable electron_gamma.

  ! Object representing a particle
  ! If you add or remove from this section then you *must* update the
  ! particle pack and unpack routines
  TYPE particle
    REAL(num), DIMENSION(3) :: part_p
    REAL(num), DIMENSION(c_ndims) :: part_pos
    REAL(num) :: electron_gamma ! New line, and the surrounding ifdef, endif


For consistency with the other EPOCH pre-compiler options, we should print a message when the code has been compiled with our new EXTENDED_IO.

The first part of the module scans through all possible pre-compiler variables, and checks if any are present. Add new lines for the new pre-compiler flag.

#ifdef PHOTONS
    found = .TRUE.
    found = .TRUE.
    found = .TRUE. ! New line

Next, a message is printed for each present module. Here we have written a generic message for our extended_io pre-compiler flag.

#ifdef PHOTONS
    defines = IOR(defines, c_def_photons)
    WRITE(*,*) 'QED Effects -DPHOTONS'
    defines = IOR(defines, c_def_trident_photons)
    WRITE(*,*) 'Pair production by Trident process -DTRIDENT_PHOTONS'
    defines = IOR(defines, c_def_extended_io)                           ! New line
    WRITE(*,*) 'Additional particle variables for output -DEXTENDED_IO' ! New line


Each MPI rank only tracks particles present within its section of the domain. As macro-particles move around the simulation, they can pass between cells controlled by different ranks. When this happens, a new particle is created on the new rank, its properties are set to match the properties on the old rank, and the particle on the old rank is destroyed. New particle variables must also be transferred when particles move between ranks, and this is done here.

There are 4 steps here:

  • Tell the code how many variables are associated with the particle
  • Copy the variables on the old rank to an array for transfer
  • Set variables on the new rank from the transferred array
  • For new particles, initialise the particle variable

To tell the code how many variables are present, find the set_partlist_size subroutine. The count of particle variables is stored in the nvar integer. In this example, we only introduce one more particle variable when the code is compiled with EXTENDED_IO, so add 1 to nvar if we have compiled with EXTENEDED_IO:

    nvar = nvar+1
    nvar = nvar+1 ! New line
    nvar = nvar+1

Next, navigate to pack_particle - the subroutine responsible for collecting particle variables to transfer to neighbouring ranks. Now we can add our new variable to the transfer array. Make a note of the position here - variables must be read in the same order they are stored.

    array(cpos) = a_particle%optical_depth_bremsstrahlung
    cpos = cpos+1
    array(cpos) = a_particle%electron_gamma ! New line
    cpos = cpos+1                           ! Only 1 new variable, so add 1
    array(cpos) = a_particle%probe_time
    cpos = cpos+1

Once the particle variables are packed into an array, this is sent to the neighbouring ranks. These call unpack_particle to set the properties of new particles. The syntax for this with our new variable would be:

    a_particle%optical_depth_bremsstrahlung = array(cpos)
    cpos = cpos+1
    a_particle%electron_gamma = array(cpos) ! New line
    cpos = cpos+1  ! Note this is also between optical_depth_bremsstrahlung and probe_time
    a_particle%probe_time = array(cpos)
    cpos = cpos+1

Finally, we must set the initial values for these variables. If we don’t do this, the code can act unpredictably. In the init_particle subroutine, add the lines:

    new_particle%electron_gamma = 0.0_num    ! New line
    new_particle%probe_time = 0.0_num


Unless you want to make a new physics package, a new particle variable is only useful if you can output it. This is done using the standard EPOCH output block. Recall we’ve already defined a c_dump_qed_el_gamma flag - now we just need to tell EPOCH how it will appear in the input deck.

Navigate to io_block_handle_element, find the str_cmp lines which interpret the the deck lines, and add:

    ELSE IF (str_cmp(element, 'bremsstrahlung_optical_depth')) THEN
      elementselected = c_dump_part_opdepth_brem

    ELSE IF (str_cmp(element, 'electron_gamma')) THEN  ! New line
      elementselected = c_dump_qed_el_gamma            ! New line

Whatever you write as the second argument to str_cmp is how you will have to write the variable in the EPOCH output block. As we are keeping things simple in this example, we will not bother with restart dumps. The value of electron_gamma will not be re-loaded when you restart the code from a restart dump.


At this point we have declared a new particle variable, wrapped it in pre-compiler flags, made it visible to MPI routines, and told EPOCH it can be dumped. Now we actually have to write the variable to file.

There is a section in the output_routines subroutine which contains lines with write_particle_variable calls. Add a new one for our variable:

        CALL write_particle_variable(c_dump_part_opdepth_brem, code, &
            'Bremsstrahlung Depth', '', it_output_real)
        CALL write_particle_variable(c_dump_qed_el_gamma, code, &
            'Emitting Electron Gamma', '', it_output_real)

The 'Emitting Electron Gamma' string controls how the variable will be labelled in the SDF file.


One of the arguments of the write_particle_variable subroutine is a call to the it_output_real function. We need to modify this function to give our new variable, when requested. To do this, add the following case to the it_output_real function:

      CASE (c_dump_qed_el_gamma)
        DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(cur) .AND. (part_count < npoint_it))
          part_count = part_count + 1
          array(part_count) = cur%electron_gamma
          cur => cur%next
        END DO

Setting your variable

All the previous steps are required whatever your particle variable is. All we need to do now is figure out how to set it. This may be straightforward or complicated, depending on what the variable is. We can’t cover every possible particle variable here, but you may find it useful if we finish our example, to see how one would go about it.

Here, we want to save the electron gamma factor when a photon has been emitted. Photon emission occurs in the generate_photon subroutine of photons.F90. When in this subroutine, the generating electron information can be accessed through the generating_electron particle pointer. Fortunately for us, the electron $\gamma$ factor has already been calculated in this subroutine, and is given by generating_gamma. Let us set our new particle variable to this value, as soon as the photon macro-particle has been created.

      CALL create_particle(new_photon)
      new_photon%part_pos = generating_electron%part_pos

      new_photon%electron_gamma = generating_gamma     ! New line


If all has gone well, we have a new particle variable ready for printing. Compile EPOCH (you may need to run make clean first if you have changed the pre-compiler flags).

It’s best to run with a small input deck for code testing. We have shrank the qed_rese.deck found in the source code, such that it can run in a few seconds. This tiny deck has been included at the end of this section.

When running, the code correctly generates the compiler-flag messages:

 Welcome to EPOCH2D version 4.19.1   (commit v4.19.1-7-g6a1bfa99-dirty)

 The code was compiled with the following compile time options
 Additional particle variables for output -DEXTENDED_IO

When we inspect 0001.sdf, we find that 21798 macro-photons have been created, and all of them have an emitting electron gamma value. These range from 20 to 1896 in this example. The input deck used for this example is given below. A new particle variable has been successfully created!

  nx = 50 # in x
  ny = 50
  nparticles = nx * ny * 2
  t_end = 100e-15
  x_min = 0
  x_max = 50 * 10.0e-9
  y_min = 0
  y_max = 50 * 10.0e-9
  dt_multiplier = 0.8

  use_qed = T 
  qed_start_time = 0 
  produce_photons = T
  photon_energy_min = 50 * kev 
  produce_pairs = F 
  photon_dynamics = F 

  bc_x_min = simple_laser
  bc_x_max = reflect
  bc_y_max = reflect
  bc_y_min = reflect

  name = Electron
  fraction = 0.5
  dump = T
  temperature = 0
  number_density = if (x gt 0.1*x_max, 1.0e20, 0)

  name = Ion
  fraction = 0.5
  dump = T
  number_density = number_density(Electron)
  temperature = 0

  name = Photon
  frac = 0
  dump = T

  dt_snapshot = t_end
  electron_gamma = always

  boundary = x_min
  intensity = 1.0e21 * 1.0e4
  lambda = 1.0e-6
  polarisation = 0.0
  phase = 0.0
  t_profile = 1
  profile = 1