Linked Lists

In EPOCH, different processors are responsible for different cells, and each MPI rank only tracks the particles which exist with these cells. Hence, as macro-particles move around the simulation, they must be removed from one processor and added to another. If macro-particles were stored in arrays, these would continuously have to be resized as macro-particles moved around. Instead, EPOCH stores macro-particles in linked lists.

Linked lists are a standard computer programming technique which is still slightly unusual in Fortran, and may well be unfamiliar to many Fortran programmers. They effectively allow you to have an array of arbitrary length, although this comes with various trade-offs about memory locality and speed of accessing elements. The general concept is that of a chain where each link in the chain only knows about the previous link in the chain and the next link in the chain. Although there are schemes for doing this in languages which don’t have pointers, the normal method of implementing linked lists is to use pointers to point to previous and next elements in the list, and this is how they are implemented in EPOCH. Since both linked lists and Fortran pointers are slightly esoteric concepts, while being key to the operation of EPOCH a brief overview of them is presented here.

The simplest possible form of a linked list element would be a TYPE which looks like:

TYPE linked_list
 TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: next
 TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: prev
END TYPE linked_list

You also have to have a pointer to the start of the list, and to speed up adding new elements to the list, you normally also keep a pointer to the last element of the list. Therefore, you would also have variables which look like:

TYPE(linked_list) :: head, tail

Since Fortran pointers are not initialised in any particular state, you have to remember to set the head and tail pointers to explicitly point nowhere (normally called a null pointer by analogy with the older C style pointers). This is done using the nullify command.


The same thing is important when creating a new linked list element, so you would normally have a creation function for linked list elements.

SUBROUTINE create_element(element)

 TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: element


END SUBROUTINE create_element

Note that the allocate function can be used on pointers in the same way that it can be used with variables which have the allocatable attribute. However, there is one important difference between a pointer and an allocatable variable. If you attempt to allocate an already allocated variable which has the allocatable attribute then the code will fail, whereas allocating an already allocated pointer is perfectly valid, and will allocate the new variable and point the pointer to it. This does not deallocate the memory that the pointer previously pointed to, and Fortran does not have a “garbage collector” which deallocates memory no longer accessible. So if you allocate a pointer which already points to a variable, it is very important that you have another pointer somewhere which points to the same memory. Once you no longer have a pointer to an area of memory, that area of memory is completely inaccessible and cannot even be deallocated. This is termed a memory leak and for programs which run for many cycles and have a memory leak on each cycle, the entire memory can very quickly be used up.

So, to add a new element to the list you would have a subroutine which looks like:

SUBROUTINE add_element(element)

 TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: element

   ! Adding first element to list, so just set
   ! both head and tail to the element


END SUBROUTINE add_element

This subroutine adds the new Fortran operator of => which means “points to”. Unlike C or similar languages, Fortran pointers try to be partially transparent to the end user, so the following code would fail:


 REAL, TARGET :: a = 10.0

 b = a


This happens because Fortran will try to copy the value of “a” into “b”. However, “b” is a pointer which hasn’t been initialised, so the code will crash when it tries to copy the data in (in theory, the code may not crash if the uninitialised “b” pointer happens to point somewhere in memory which is a valid target, but this is very unlikely). Note also that “a” has the attribute “TARGET”. The target attribute means that it is possible to point a pointer to this variable. You can only point a pointer to a variable which is either a pointer itself or has the target attribute. This is to try and keep Fortran pointers “safer” than C style pointers. The correct code would use b=>a, at which point “b” is set to point to “a” and can then be used everywhere in place of “a”.

So, to set up a linked list of n elements, you would use the following code:

TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: new

DO i = 1,n
 CALL create_element(new)
 CALL add_element(new)

To then run through the elements of your newly created linked list, you would use code like:

TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: current

 ! Do stuff

This code snippet introduces one new function “ASSOCIATED”, which tells you whether a pointer is a null pointer or not (this is why it is so important to nullify new pointers, because ASSOCIATED on its own doesn’t check whether a pointer is valid, just whether or not it is a null pointer). You can also use ASSOCIATED to check whether a pointer points to a particular object or not, in which case the syntax is RESULT = ASSOCIATED(b, TARGET=a), which returns true if “b” points to “a”, or false if it doesn’t, even if “b” is a valid pointer pointing to something else. It also introduces the way in which you must use linked lists in EPOCH. The execution flow is as follows

  • Point current to the current element to the start of the linked list (head).
  • Iterate while current points to a valid element.
  • Perform whatever actions you want on current.
  • Point current to the next element in the chain.

This leads to the slightly counter intuitive behaviour where even though the loop only acts on the variable named “current”, all of the elements in the list are operated on. Although there are many tricks which can be performed with linked lists, the only other aspect which needs to be explained is how to delete elements. A subroutine to remove a single element from a linked list would look like:

SUBROUTINE remove_element(element)

 TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: element

 IF (ASSOCIATED(element%prev)) THEN
   ! Previous element exists
   ! Previous element does not exist therefore element is the head. When
   ! element is removed the head is the element after the one being removed

 IF (ASSOCIATED(element%next)) THEN
   ! next element exists
   ! next element does not exists therefore element is the tail. When element
   ! is removed the head is the element before the one being removed

END SUBROUTINE remove_element

Once again, this code looks slightly counter-intuitive, but if you go through step by step, it’s fairly simple. In the following discussion the element being removed is called “C”, the element before “C” (if it exists) is called “P” and the element after “C” (if it exists) is called “N”

  • Check whether C’s prev element exists, this means that P exists.
  • If P exists then the element to be removed isn’t at the start of the chain. When C is removed, we need P%next to point to C%next. This leads to the odd looking element%prev%next=> element%next syntax.
  • If P does not exist then C is at the the start of the chain. In order to not leave the chain orphaned when C is removed, we need head to point to C%next.
  • Exactly the same logic applies for updating the element after C.
  • Check whether C’s next element exists, this means that N exists.
  • If N exists then the element to be removed isn’t at the end of the chain. When C is removed, we need N%prev to point to C%prev.
  • If P does not exist then C is at the the start of the chain. In order to not leave the chain orphaned when C is removed, we need head to point to C%next.

Therefore, code to remove some elements from a linked list would look like:

TYPE(linked_list), POINTER :: current, next

 IF (dealloc) THEN
   CALL remove_element(current)

Note that “current” must be deallocated explicitly even after it has been removed from the linked list to prevent a memory leak. Note also that the pointer to the “next” element is saved before “current” is deallocated. This is not necessary but means that there is only one IF statement rather than the two otherwise required.
